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Lisa Smith

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Lisa Smith is a Certified Building Biology® Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist with advanced training in the measurement and mitigation of EMFs, including Radio Frequency radiation, electric fields, magnetic fields, and dirty electricity.  She also received training in the EMF Experts EMF Professional Training Certification program, where she was trained by Professional Electrical Engineer Chris Young and EMF health expert Patricia Young. 





She moved to Tucson in 2000 and lives with her husband and teenage daughter (plus three cats, two frogs, one gecko, four chickens, and two dogs).  Her son attends NAU in Flagstaff.  In her little spare time, she enjoys reading, knitting,  hiking, cooking, and spending time with family and friends.

Lisa holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics (Summa Cum Laude) and a Ph.D. in Applied Economics, specializing in health and nutrition.  After completing a post-doctoral fellowship with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), she served as a Research Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington, D.C.  She also held visiting professorships at the Emory University School of Public Health and the University of Arizona.  She has lived in three African countries (Kenya, Côte d'Ivoire, and Burkina Faso) and worked in Bangladesh and Ethiopia. 

While doing her EMF Wellness work, Lisa continues on as a Senior Economist at TANGO, International, a Tucson-based company dedicated to global hunger and poverty solutions.  Throughout her career, she has gained 25 years’ experience in quantitative data collection and analysis for high impact solutions, experience she now brings to address the growing need for EMF measurement, mitigation, and education.

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