1. Cell towers on school grounds, parks and playgrounds are illegal in many European countries—but not the U.S..
In the U.S., despite the health risks of constant radiation exposure, more and more cell towers are being erected on school grounds, in parks, and on playgrounds. In our country it is easy to get access to these tax-payer funded spaces. Also, cell towers bring in needed rental income for school boards and cities. By contrast, in many other countries around the world, including many European countries, it is illegal to install a cell tower near children’s areas.
Source: EMF-experts certification course notes.
EMF Wellness
2. Insurance companies will not cover wireless service
providers for EMF-related health claims. It's too risky.
Insurance companies have begun refusing to cover cell phone manufacturers and wireless service providers like Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T for health-related claims. It started in 2015 when Lloyd’s of London, a leader in the global insurance industry, updated its policies to exclude any claims arising from electromagnetic fields. Its policy has now become standard practice. The wireless service providers have started warning their investors about their vulnerability to liability claims (See Factoid #6).
More recently, in 2019, 5G was classified as a high impact risk by the insurance authorities due to “potential claims for health impairments that may come with a long latency”. 5G is the 5th generation of wireless cellular technology. Learn more about the 5G rollout in Tucson here.
Source: Article by Theodora Scarato, Executive Director of the Environmental Health Trust
3. Arizona: 1st state to enact a law allowing the unrestricted rollout of 5G
New Hampshire: 1st state to enact a law investigating 5G health effects
In 2017, the Arizona legislature passed HB 2365, which fast-tracked 5G implementation by pre-empting local control of new 5G cell towers and reducing installation costs for wireless service providers. Arizona was the first of 21 states to legislate such a bill. Read more here.
In 2019, the New Hampshire legislature passed HB522, which established a commission to study the health and environmental effects of 5G technology. The commission released its final report in November 2020 with recommendations to protect public health and the natural environment from wireless radiation exposure. Read the report here.
4. Baby monitors are sold with no pre-market EMF safety testing
Almost all baby monitors emit radio frequency (wireless) radiation constantly while powered on—most at the same frequency microwave ovens use to heat water molecules in food (2.4 GHz). Young children are the most vulnerable to such radiation, partly because their thin skulls and high brain fluid means radiation penetrates more deeply into their brain tissue (learn more here).
With claims like: “Rest assured that your little one is safe and sound with Motorola MBP50-G baby monitor,” parents are assured these devices give safety and peace of mind. Yet no testing of the short or long-term health effects of radiation has been conducted to ensure the proper growth and development of these most defenseless of citizens.
More info to come on these other Surprising EMF Factoids ...
5. Bee colony collapse linked to cell tower radiation
6. Wireless radiation used to covertly target U.S. Embassy staff—most
recently in 2018
7. Telecommunications companies warn their shareholders about EMF safety concerns, but not consumers
8. 80,000 wireless radiation-emitting satellites to orbit planet earth