EMF Wellness

Chris Young

Chris Young has been a licensed Professional Electrical Engineer for over 40 years, practicing in nearly half the States in the USA and serving as CEO of Executive Engineering Services for companies dedicated to making electrical power safer for people. His areas of professional expertise include utility, industrial, commercial and government entities, as well as private homes and work places.
Today, in addition to his highly respected training of worldwide Certified EMF Expert Consultants, Chris serves on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers committees reviewing EMF safety standards. He is also a highly sought after leading authority on EMF Detection and Protection.

Chris was once an avid electronic technophile working in a corporate WiFi cloud, with constantly ringing cellphones holstered on each hip accommodating the 30 international engineering services offices reporting directly to him. However, his growing concern for Electrosmog, the consumer obliviousness to it, and the lack of expert understanding of biological hazards along with the lack of health-minded safety standards to deal with it, prompted him to retire early in order to devote his expertise to being part of the bigger solution - living with our technology safely and using it knowledgeably.